The Innocenti 950 Spider was a sports car produced by Innocenti between 1960 and 1969. It was designed by the renowned Italian designer Ghia and mechanically based on the Austin-Healey Sprite Mark II, under a licensing agreement with the British Motor Corporation (BMC). The 950 Spider had a sleek, lightweight body and featured a 948 cc four-cylinder engine, which produced around 43 horsepower. This allowed the car to reach a top speed of approximately 135 km/h (84 mph), making it a fun and nimble roadster for its time.
The car was equipped with a four-speed manual transmission and independent front suspension, which contributed to its good handling. Its stylish design, combined with the proven mechanics of the Sprite, made the 950 Spider a popular choice in the Italian market. Although it was not as widely produced as some of its competitors, it gained a reputation for being a stylish and affordable sports car.
Today, the Innocenti 950 Spider is a rare collectible, appreciated for its Italian design flair and British mechanical underpinnings.