The Puma GTE, produced from the late 1960s through the 1980s, was one of Brazil’s most iconic sports cars. Created by Puma Indústria de Veículos SA, the GTE was based on Volkswagen Beetle mechanicals, making it affordable, reliable, and easy to maintain. Known for its distinctive design and lightweight construction, the GTE became a symbol of Brazilian automotive ingenuity.
The GTE was powered by an air-cooled, rear-mounted Volkswagen flat-four engine, available in various displacements from 1.5 to 1.7 liters, with power outputs ranging from 60 to 75 horsepower, depending on the configuration. Its performance was enhanced by the car’s low weight, thanks to a fiberglass body. The car was nimble, responsive, and quick for its time, with a top speed of around 160 km/h (99 mph).
The GTE’s styling drew inspiration from European sports cars, featuring sleek, aerodynamic lines, pop-up headlights, and a low-slung profile. The interior was simple but functional, often equipped with basic instrumentation and comfortable seating, emphasizing driver engagement over luxury.
The GTE gained popularity both domestically and in export markets, thanks to its affordable performance and sporty look. Despite its modest power, the GTE offered a spirited driving experience, appealing to enthusiasts who appreciated its charm and practicality. Today, the Puma GTE is celebrated as a classic in Brazilian car culture, representing a unique chapter in South American automotive history.